Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back in the saddle again/ Boulder

SO! It's been a while. I've been pretty busy with school and kind of slacking off...

I went to Boulder CO this summer with the Mom and had TONS of fun! I got to run in some pretty cool places and really enjoyed it. Running there was great, The altitude wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be and everyone seems to work out so people were much less annoyed by working out than they are here. The only problem with the trip was, when I got back I didn't want to run here because there really isn't any pretty scenery or anything. It's boring. I ended up not running for about 1week. I'm back at it again! I gained 3-5lbs in two weeks and have lost 6 again, so I'm about on target for where I'd like to be. My new goal is to be down to 130-140 by my bday. I think that's doable.

Also I was wondering, if anyone out there actually reads this, if anyone has any recommendations or questions? I'm obviously not a professional and I'm not the worlds best runner, but I can share advice and things that have worked for me as a newbie runner. Lemme know!

Monday, July 9, 2012

5k run!

            So it took a couple of days but, here it is! The race I did was called Harmageddon located in New Harmony IN. I guess there was also a mountain bike race but since I cannot ride a bike I obviously skipped out on that one and just did the 5k. A 5k is about 3.1 miles, however it can vary a little with different races. My race happened to be a trail race, which I have no experience in. There were hills… HILLS! I have NO hill training whatsoever.
            Since I’m normally so scatter brained I decided to make an outline just for this blog! First I will tell you some good things and then some bad things pertaining to the race. First off, like previously mentioned, it was a trail race and I have had no trail training. I run on a paved path through town that has absolutely no hills. This made the run pretty hellish. I actually had to walk up a few; a lot of people were walking up them though so I don’t feel too bad about it. I think I could have done a lot better time-wise though if I hadn’t walked… obviously. I did like it though! Even though it was hard it was nice, hotter than blue blazes though. I think it got up and over 100ยบ! We were running in the shade though so even though it sucked, it could have been much worse. Even though I was complaining about the hills earlier, let me just say; I LOVED them too. I like a running challenge and this was challenging! I’m still sore enough that I don’t know if I’ll be able to run today. I need to do more hill challenges.
            My time!!!! So I think I wrote that I would have loved to do it in 33min but would settle for under 40 and in my journal I wrote that I was shooting for 36. Well, let me tell you, I did it iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin… 35min and just under a second!!!! I was so stoked! Here is a picture of me running!

I look pretty stoked eh? Over all I’d say this was one of the hardest runs I’ve ever done in my entire life, but I LOVED it. I had so much fun running with my dad and co. The first mile for me was the best and the second two were beasts. I averaged about 11.3-12min miles, ran it in 35.03ish min and did 3.1 miles! I can’t wait to continue doing more and more races! I will be shooting for a 10k in the fall and possibly a half marathon in the spring!  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

5k run and current running update

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I'm supposed to be cleaning today, got one room done and am taking a slightly longer than necessary break. I figured I'd do a current running update, since all you guys read about it if stuff I've already done and also just whatever else is going on in my life that I feel like blogging about today.
Topic 1- Fleas
We have them because of a cat we had for like a week...

Topic 2- 5K this weekend and a treadmill run
I'm running a 5K this weekend with my dad and some close family friends. I'm pretty stoked! I ran on the treadmill the other day so I could see how quick I could run a mile. This is was a mistake! One hour on the treadmill is like hell. It's boring. Really really really REALLY boring. Like crazy boring. I was at the YMCA in my home town, which means all you can do is watch people play basketball in the gym and obsessively watch your time. That's all I did! I stared at the timer and calculated how long until each minute walk. I averaged 11min miles in the end, which is decent, but I wanted to do 10min miles. I guess I can't complain too much, I just started running two months ago, but still, it was disappointing. What sucks is 2min into my warmup walk I knew the run was going to be boring and crappy. The only fun thing was that my grandpa was at the Y too. He was walking on the track and took a picture of me while I was on the treadmill.
Now, on a more positive note! The 5k! Like I said earlier: running with the ol pap and co. I'm so excited I could shit myself! I haven't actually done a race since I was like 13 and my mom had me run a 5k and then a triathlon. I am shooting for under 40min. I would have liked to do 33 or under, but I need to be realistic here, I am the pokey puppy! This sucks because if I'm running with my dad and co he will want to run faster (he gets competitive) and I will probably die of exhaustion. I threw up after the last 5K... Apple Jacks! Yummy!

Topic 3- C210K-5K review
I'm actually almost done with my C210K program, which is part of the reason I'm doing a current blog instead of a journal entry from two months ago. I'm running week 10 day 1 later today. I would have done it this morning, but I got a late start so I'm running when it cools down, assuming it doesn't storm a bunch. SO running running running! Anyone that does the program or does C25K knows what's up. You run a certain time and then the nice voice comes on and tells you to walk and then run again. It's very convenient and a great way to get you going. I will say however, the last run of the program is only 40min and then you're read to run 6.2 miles... That's like 6.5 min miles!!! I cannot do one mile that fast! 10min miles are hard for me! So while the program is a great introduction to running, it doesn't really properly train you for a 10k.The C25K actually does prepare you a little better. Their final run is a more realistic 30min run, but still You may run for 30min, but do a 11-12 minute mile, which means you still aren't doing a full 3.1 miles. With all of this said, I still highly recommend it, especially if you hate running. I used to. I LOVE running now though! It's so fun and I look forward to my runs! It also melts fat off of you! The programs seriously do help get you into running. The first exercise of 10k is something like run 30 sec walk for 4 min 30 sec and repeat! Easy easy! I can't remember how much this app costs, but it's worth it!
I would rate the C210K a B+ and the reason it's a B+ and not higher is because I think it's a little misleading and not really a good training program but rather a great introduction to get you running. The other reason is that towards the end of the run it seems like the creators realized they were running out of time and the run times got higher quicker. There is a jump from a 10min run to 20 in a day. Then you have three weeks to work up to a 40min run; doable but not easy. But again a fun and easy way to get you started running. I would suggest once you finish to then spend some time working on distance before you try and run 6 miles. I'm shooting for a 10k in August, I'll let you guys know how that goes.
Now a C25K review. I would give this program an A. It's only 9 weeks long and then end distance is more realistic than the 10K's version. There still is a 10min jump towards the end, however for the most part it doesn't feel too rushed at the end. It's another great introduction to running and, as mentioned earlier, it prepares you for a 5k better than the 10K app does (as long as you get do 10min miles).

The biggest problem with both of these programs is, if you are a relatively slow runner (like me), you are running the time, but not the distance. Unless you are running on a treadmill or you have something to track your mileage, you can't really be sure you're running the right speed. If you run on a treadmill or have a good way to track your mileage, I'd suggest just using an online C25k version that has you train by miles and not time. However I do like this program and intend to keep running for as long as I can and work on my distance!

Have a lovely day! I'm off to finish my domestic rampage!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Accidentally did the wrong run and my pedometer is broke. Yesterday I tried to run but couldn't because I had on too many sports bras on so I couldn't breath... Because I couldn't breath I got stomach cramps from HELL!!!! Then I had to pee. Haha pretty shitty. So I ran this morning and it was MUCH better! Tomorrow I'm skipping  week 3 day 2 and doing 3.3 since I don't htink 30 seconds makes a difference. (This is based on how easy my run was and hopefully by 4 I won't die).
The RUN!
I ran at 10-10:15. It was pretty easy. I added some music, which made the run easier. I figured out if I do get cramps that if I breath in for three and out for three it goes away after a bit. Also the boy ordered me an armband so I don't have to carry around my phone anymore! On a random note, I found an old picture of myself and I was soooooo much bigger! Yikes!

Short entry today. Sorry its been a while, I've been reading a bunch (The Shining by Stephen King, if you haven't read it you should!). I took a little three day break from running because it's been so hot here and it hadn't rained in forever, but I finally cowgirled up and ran.
Instead of a running tip today I decided to talk about a running "problem": Chaffing. Gross? Yes. Sucks? YES! I have thunder thighs of doom! They have gotten smaller since I started running, but they still rub like it's no one's business. Nothing is worse than getting half way through your run and your legs start chaffing so bad they bleed a little... It's soooooooo gross! Obvious solution is to wear longer shorts... But nothing feels better than wearing the shortest pair of running shorts I can get a hold of! This presents two problems: chaffing, as mentioned earlier, and me looking pretty unflattering. So far I've not really figured out any solutions, however I think once I get a chance I'm going to pick up some body glide and until then try petroleum jelly. We shall see!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Journal entry something or another... 5/16

5/16- P90 sculpt 1-2 and ab ripper 200

Did P90 today and 200 crunches. It was so hard! I didn't get too winded, but my muscles hurt so bad. I did a lot of work with the resistance bands. I think I'm going to alternate running with the sculpt vid since I don't really need the other cardio vid. I foresee plenty of sweat in the future! The crunches killed me! Leg lifts and bicycles are the worse. Omg so much burn!!!!! The resistance bands really did a number on my lazy ass! Hopefully I can get some definition in my arms. Hopefull they aren't so fat they get all loose and flabby.. God I'd be so pissed.

It feels weird not to run. I really like it and can't wait to go tomorrow. I want to get out of bed by 9 or so and run at 10ish. If that doesn't work I'll just run after work. Then I can fry some rice and use the left over chicken. The noodles have a lot more calories than I though. Oh wait... never mind they aren't that bad. A serving is only 162 calories. (I made homemade noodles the night before this entry and spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to figure out the calories in them). Earlier today I couldn't even eat a whole bagel! I think I'm just going to stick with half a bagel, that way they'll last longer. I've got some leftover eggs so I'm going to try and rock some scrambled eggs for breakfast. Maybe a cheese omelet for Trent or something.

I'm feeling lazy today. I think I'm going to take a nap....

I haven't been eating much lately. I'm just not super hungry and I feel guilty whenever I eat. Ugh! I only had 540 calories today. I didn't realize how little I ate until I was done for the day. I need to eat more. FOOOOOOD!


 So I was reading though the ol journal and I discovered something about myself; I am so scatterbrained it's not even funny. Like if my blog posts seem a little disorganized you should see my actual journal! It's crazy hard to follow sometimes and everything is spelled wrong. If I didn't have a spell check I'd be so screwed. I didn't stick with the P90 shit. I still do like a video occasionally, but I generally just stick to running, which I need to do today...

Running tip: Listen to good music. I don't know if I've posted this tip before, but good music is the key to a good run, at least in my very unprofessional opinion. Also running with people helps! I run alone, but when I do run with someone it's awesome!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Journal Entry #6 5/15

I'm still trying to learn as much as I can about this whole blogging deal. So far all I can do is post things and what not. Apparently people can't follow me though. I have no idea how this works! I'm still trying to get to a point where my journal entries are more current. It's hard to get caught up though because I write like almost everyday. The other difficult thing is the content of my journal... obviously I want to be as honest as possible and let everyone experience what I am, but there are just somethings that do not need to be in the posts! So I have to figure out ways to edit those out, which can take a minute. I will hopefully be posting two blogs today!

Week 3 Day 2
Embrace the PAIN! At least that's what I'm trying to tell myself. My quads are killing me! I ate donuts yesterday so I decided to run today instead of tomorrow. I might try to do like a really short ru/walk tomorrow. Being sore and hungry make me feel good. I need to ear more so I don't binge on tasty donuts. No more food after 7pm! My shins are kind of sore, hopefully I'm not getting shinsplints. I used to get them all the time when I ran cross country in middle school.

Anywho! I was really tired during this run and initially I was like Mmm I'll just stop after the half way point but then that came and I was like weeeeeell I'll just do one more lap and kept telling myself that! It helped get me though the run really well. The last lap was awesome! I was so tired and sore but I just kept telling myself not to look at the timer and keep going. Haha I was pretty determined. This running thing is fun! I'm so sore I can hardly write anymore!

Later that day...
I ate really well today (Minus the doughnut). Ate a bagel with half a serving of cream cheese and strawberries! Then I had some cereal/ I haven't decided to or not tomorrow. Maybe I'll do a P90 video. I will probably just do that and maybe the abb ripper. That's about 30min total. Later I might walk to the bank and back. That should be around an hour or so.

Tomorrow I'm making chicken tenderloins, noodles and mashed potatoes! I need to marinade the chicken tonight. Fun fun! I reeeeeaaaally want to run tomorrow! Ugh! Maybe I'll run C25k and P90... so many options!!!


Let's discuss something serious kids. Depression. It's a bitch. It really sucks and it can be hard to handle. I'm not going to go into all of my personal drama, but I've had many a nasty run in with depression and lemme tell ya, no fun! One of the reasons I was getting depressed was my weight. Losing it has helped (not cured though). Something I've found that helps me cope is running! Not only does it help lose weight, but it also keeps your mind off of the shitty things that make you unhappy. I mean who can be depressed when you're so exhausted your main focus is not passing out or falling over! Try it sometime! You don't even have to run, you can just throw on some headphones and go for a walk. It's very meditative.

Now for a runner's tip: Invest in some running shoes and socks. I had to wear normal socks the other day and my god it was terrible! Nice socks are where it's at! Also, you can usually run longer and harder than you think you can. Don't be afraid to push yourself sometimes. It's hard but I'd rather feel like shit because I tried than feel like shit because I didn't! You guys can do it!

And in other news... I'm running a 5k in July with my uncle and my dad! WOoo! It will be my third ever 5k! I did a 5k when I was 13 in preparation for a triathlon, which also included a 5k, so I'm pretty stoked.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Journal entry #4

Sometimes I write huge monstrous entries that take up pages and pages... I will shorten these since no one probably wants to read about every minute detail of my life, which I tend to write about.

5/14  2.3 C210K
Skipped breakfast but remembered to take meds! I slept in until 11 and ran at 12. Run was pleasant. I drove down to the track this time, I will probably do more driving than walking down there, especially at night. Too sketchy. The run was warm and sunny which was nice. I got a good tan, unfortunately almost all of my running gear was in the clothes basket Trent's mom took! I had to wear two regular bras and one very thin sports bra. That sucked, especially since one bra had an underwire poking out and scratching my boob to death. Then the sweats I had on had holes in the upper thigh area and since I have thunder thighs they rub. I now have a quart sized sore spot on my upper leg. Sexy. It hurts like a bitch. I hate my legs right now!

Adding to my growing list of goals; I want my thighs not to touch. That's going to take forever, if it ever happens. I think it kind of looks weird but it would beat having my legs rub together! Most of my pants are too big everywhere but in the thighs and then they're too small... My thighs are one of my most self conscious parts of my body.

On a brighter note; yesterday was mother's day and normally when I'm around my mom and sister I feel like a fat cow. This time though I didn't feel quite so bad!

Thighs: 26"  Upper arms: 12.5  Calves: 16"  Waist: 36.5  Neck: 15"  That space under your boobs: 35"
I would do my hips but I can never figure out how to properly measure them!

I'm going to include my measurements from last week as well...
Thighs: 25"  Upper arms: 12.5"  Calves: 15.5"  Waist: 34.5" Neck: 14.5"  That space under the boobs: 34"
According to what I wrote I did lose two inches off my hips, but I have to idea if that's even remotely accurate.

Also here's a pic of my from a couple of years ago. I tried to do the P90 program, but didn't stick with it past two weeks.
As soon as I can I'll get a current pic of me up!

Running tip! If you're feeling depressed try and go run. At least you'll be distracted for a little bit! Also, if your legs run you can either tough it out or wear longer pants. Investing in a decent pair of running bottoms is a good idea!